"The attitude of staff nurses towards the integration of computer syste" by Alineth C. Akcicek, Julia Anne Y. Cordova et al.

The attitude of staff nurses towards the integration of computer system in selected hospitals in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Computer Systems, Hospitals, Nurses


The study utilized the quantitative descriptive non-experimental method of research. The total respondents of this study were 80 staff nurses of two (2) selected hospitals in Cavite who were not yet integrating computer system in health care. All of the respondents were stationed in medical, surgical, pediatric, and OB wards. Convenience sampling was used as a sampling technique. The research instrument was adapted and modified from the study of Dr. Stronge and Brodt (1985) entitled “Nurses’ attitudes towards computerization in a Midwestern community hospital”. Data was analysed using frequency and percentage distribution, mean, f-test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-test. The study concluded: Most of the respondents were 25 year old and below, females, did not attend trainings/seminars about computers, and with 1 to 5 years of working experience; the staff nurses on the selected hospitals in Cavite had agreed towards the use of technology and integration of computer system into their respective institution; the attitude of staff nurses in the integration of computer system in selected hospitals in Cavite had no significant differences when they are grouped into age, gender, attendance to trainings/seminars about computers, and number of years working as a staff nurse. Therefore, the null hypothesis was accepted.

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