"Factors associated with the academic performance in NURS 102 of BS nur" by Rhenee Rose C. Tantoy and Charish Faye A. Vina

Factors associated with the academic performance in NURS 102 of BS nursing students batch 2005 of De La Salle Health Sciences Campus

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Academic Performance, Nursing Students


The researchers used a non-experimental descriptive research design. One hundred fifty-one (151) BSN third year students Batch 2005 of De La Salle Health Sciences Campus were selected as subjects using purposive sampling technique. They comprised male and female students with age ranges between 17-25 years old. The data needed to determine the significant difference in the factors associated with the academic performance of students in NURS 102 (Promotive and preventive nursing care management) was gathered through a questionnaire developed by the researchers and record review of the academic grades from the professors and clinical instructors. Percentage distribution, mean, standard deviation, t-test, paired t-test and ANOVA were the statistical tests applied. The following conclusions were formulated: 1) Most of the respondents were female, have a family income of P30,001 and above, with a usual diet under the category of meat group, studying for 3 to 4 hours a day, sleeping for 1-6 hours a day, with extrovert personality and prefers to study at home; 2) In terms of academic performance, majority of the respondents obtained a grade of 83-85 in the classroom, clinical, and over-all setting; 3) There was no significant difference between the academic performance of BSN Batch 2005 in NURS102 in clinical and classroom settings, at 0.05 level of significance; 4) There was no significant relationship in the academic performance of the respondents in clinical and classroom settings when grouped according to gender, diet, sleeping patterns, personality and environment. However, there was a significant relationship when grouped according to study habits and monthly family income. This shows that those with low monthly family income strive harder to excel in their academic performance than those who have high monthly family income. Moderate number of hours of studying influences the academic performance of the respondents because they have more time to study and relax afterwards.

First Advisor

Maria Bernadette R. Daplas

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