"Level of compliance to therapeutic regimen of hypertensive clients in " by Audrey Lauren L. Uy and Jonah Micah A. Villarba

Level of compliance to therapeutic regimen of hypertensive clients in the outpatient department of De La Salle University Medical Center

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Hypertension, Therapeutics


The descriptive non-experimental research design was used in this study. The respondents were 100 hypertensive patients from the Out Patient Department of De La Salle University Medical Center selected through purposive sampling technique. Adapted questionnaire was utilized to gather data. Frequency distribution, mean, t-test and f-test were the statistical treatments applied. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the respondents were above 61 years old, female, attained elementary level, unemployed, have a monthly family income below P10,000, and have a family history of hypertension; 2) Respondents were moderately complaint with regards to food habits, personal habits and medical practices while they have a low level of compliance with physical activity or exercise; 3) The level of compliance of the respondents when grouped according to age has highly significant differences in terms of food habits, significant differences in terms of physical activity or exercise and no significant difference in terms of personal habits and medical practices. There is a significant difference in the respondents' personal habits when grouped according to educational attainment but there are no significant differences in the respondents' food habits, physical activity or exercise and medical practices. The level of compliance of the respondents when grouped according to occupation or employment status has significant differences in terms of food habits and personal habits but has no significant difference in physical activity or exercise and medical practices. There were no significant differences in the compliance of the respondents when grouped according to monthly family income in terms of food habits, personal habits, physical activity or exercise, and medical practices. The level of compliance of the respondents when grouped according to family history of hypertension has significant differences in terms of food habits but has no significant difference in personal habits, physical activity or exercise and medical practices.

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