"The level of psychosocial adaptation of elderly clients in selected ho" by Resabal Candy G. Bautista, Catherine Mae C. Buan et al.

The level of psychosocial adaptation of elderly clients in selected home for the aged institutions

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Aged, Home for the Aged, Adaptation, Psychological


The study utilized the descriptive research design. Respondents were 63 elderly clients of different home for the aged institutions located in Laguna and Cavite selected through purposive sampling technique. A modified multiple checklist type of questionnaire with three (3) options was used to determine the level of psychosocial adaptation of elderly living in home for the aged institutions. Data was analyzed using T-test, percentage and ANOVA. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the elderly are female, Roman Catholic, widowed, elementary graduates, stayed in the institution for less than one (1) year, had no visitors, and stayed due to their personal decision; 2) There is a greater extent in the level of psychosocial adaptation of the elderly in selected home for the aged institutions; 3) There is no significant difference in the level of psychosocial adaptation when the respondents are grouped according to gender, civil status, religion, educational attainment, length of stay, frequency of visit, and reason of stay.

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