"Perception of nursing students batch 2005 of De La Salle-Health Scienc" by Carolina M. Cusay, April Love B. Guevarra et al.

Perception of nursing students batch 2005 of De La Salle-Health Sciences Campus in the integration of Pharmacology in major nursing subjects

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nursing Education


The study used descriptive, non-experimental method. Purposive sampling was used in choosing the 138 Batch 2005 students of DLSHSC who were taking pharmacology integrated in their major subjects. A self-made questionnaire served as the tool for the study. In the analysis of data, percentage, mean and t-test were used to answer the specific problems. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the respondents were female and belongs to the age group of 20-23 years of age; 2) The respondents had a positive perception regarding the integration of pharmacology in major nursing subjects; 3) Age and gender of the respondents did not affect or influence the perception of nursing students Batch 2005 with regards on the integration of pharmacology in major nursing subjects.

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