"For better or for worse: life with an amputee" by Rino Vid Y. Ecle and Ma. Lovella M. Monderin

For better or for worse: life with an amputee

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing




This research used phenomenological approach of qualitative research. Respondents who were legally married, meaning those who were married under valid and legal process of matrimony in Church and/or Civil law and had above the ankle and/or above the wrist amputations were chosen through purposive sampling based on their first-hand information about the phenomenon under study. The respondents were also asked for referrals to colleagues who had similar experiences, also known as the snowballing technique. The researchers conducted several interviews with the informants using an audiotape. Guided by Colaizzi’s method, they transcribed and encoded the information, extracted the significant statements and formulated meanings and ended up with themes and sub themes. After doing the analysis, they verified the data again with the informants. The study concluded with the different experiences of spouses of amputees in caring for their partners. Their responses to the changes brought about by the amputation vary. It is also evident that the spouses are the main care providers for the amputees. Each of their experiences showed different difficulties in caring for their amputated spouses. In relation to the experiences, the spouses learned several coping mechanisms to adapt to the abrupt changes brought about by the amputation. Despite the demands coming from the amputees, the spouses still managed to perform their obligation to care for them through difficult coping strategies.

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