"The relationship between the quality of care rendered by nurses and le" by Lailani D. Dionisio and Aleli P. Vidamo

The relationship between the quality of care rendered by nurses and level of satisfaction of physically handicapped patients

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Quality of Health Care, Disabled Persons


The study utilized the descriptive research design. The respondents were composed of 80 orthopedic patients with balance skeletal traction aged 16 years old and above. Forty-one (41) female respondents were chosen from the Female Service Ward and 39 male respondents from the Male Traction Ward using purposive sampling technique. The study used a checklist type of questionnaire, which was adapted and modified from the study of Basa et al. (2002) entitled “The relationship between the carative behaviors of nurses and care satisfaction of clients in Dr. Jose P. Rizal Hospital and National Medical Research Center”. Data was analyzed through relative frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test of the independent means, f-test and Pearson’s r. The study concluded that, 1) Most of the respondents were 35 years old and above, female, single, high school graduate, Catholic, has monthly family income of P10,000 and below and has length of confinement of 16 days above; 2) The overall quality of care rendered by nurses as perceived by the physically handicapped patient in terms of spiritual, physical, and social aspects was very good; 3) The level of satisfaction of physically handicapped patients with balance skeletal traction was high; 4) There was no significant difference on the quality of care rendered by nurses as perceived by the physically handicapped patients when grouped according to age, civil status, gender, educational attainment and religious affiliation; 5) There was no significant difference in the level of satisfaction of physically handicapped patients when grouped according to age, civil status, educational attainment, gender, religious affiliation, monthly family income and length of confinement; 6) There is a significant relationship between the quality of care and the level of satisfaction of physically handicapped patients. The relationship was, when the nurse provided a high quality of care, the response of their patients in terms of satisfaction would more likely give a high result.

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