"The level of well-being of the residents of Minantok East, Amadeo, Cav" by Karen D. Taza and Jan Ritchie Dungao

The level of well-being of the residents of Minantok East, Amadeo, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing




The research utilized the quantitative non-experimental descriptive design where a checklist type of questionnaire was used as a main tool in gathering the data. The respondents consisted of 88 residents of Minantok East, Amadeo, Cavite selected through simple random sampling technique. Data was analyzed through frequency distribution, f-test, mean and t-test. The study concluded that, 1) Most of the respondents are early adolescent, employed, males, Catholic, single, reached/graduated college and fall below poverty line; 2) The overall level of well-being of the residents of Minantok East, Amadeo, Cavite is high; 3) The level of well-being of the respondents when grouped according to age is different; 4) The level of well-being is high regardless of the occupational status of the respondents; 5) The level of well-being of the respondents when grouped according to civil status is high; 6) The level of well-being of the respondents when grouped according to educational background is high; 7) The level of well-being of the respondents when grouped according to gender is high; 8) The level of well-being of the respondents when grouped according to religion is high; 9) The level of well-being of the respondents when grouped according to monthly income is high.

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