"The relationship between the quality of care rendered by the health wo" by Liezl D. Aure, June Pearl T. Maraan et al.

The relationship between the quality of care rendered by the health workers and the quality of life of elderly in selected institutions in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Quality of Health Care, Quality of Life, Aged


This study utilized the non-experimental correlational descriptive design of research. There were 50 respondents selected using purposive sampling technique. The researchers used two (2) sets of questionnaire in this study. The first set was the Quality of Care Rendered by the Health Workers prepared by the researchers and the second set was the adapted questionnaire of Quality of Life of the Elderly. This study used t-test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficient for statistical treatment of data to find the relationship between the quality by care rendered of the health workers and the quality of life of the elderly in selected institutions in Cavite. The study drew up these conclusions: 1) Most of the respondents were female, widowed, elementary graduate or elementary level graduate, below poverty line or marginalized and had stayed for at least one year and above in the institution. The profile illustrates that these population groups have the tendency to be in the institution. The degenerating effects of aging, lack of resources and the complexity of female physiologic structure, and beliefs knowledge and practices of different social groups are concrete characteristics of the predisposing and precipitating factors of elderly in selected institutions; 2) On the average, the mean level of quality of care rendered by the health workers to the elderly is high. The health workers provide the safe and peaceful surroundings that protect the elderly, the kind of understanding and support for the feelings and needs, and the proper environment to give them freedom and relaxation. In spite of the unavailability of some resources, the health workers give the basic needs of the elderly, particularly physical and psychosocial. Thus, the quality of care rendered by the health workers is not a predictor of quality of life of elderly clients in selected institutions in Cavite; 3) On the average, the overall mean quality of life of the elderly is higher. Thus, the profile of the respondents generally presented scarcity of resources in responding to the specific needs of the elderly in selected institutions in Cavite. Although there are scarcities of the resources, the social workers or different NGOs are augmenting the available resources. Aside from these, there is a nurse, physical therapist, priest or lay minister who act as a source of spiritual and psychological support; 4) There is a high quality of care rendered by the health workers to the elderly regardless of their gender, civil status, monthly family income, educational attainment, religion and length of stay in the institution; 5) Religion is the only socio-demographic variable that affects the quality of life of the elderly in selected institutions in Cavite; 6) There is no significant relationship between the quality of care rendered by the health workers and the quality of life of the elderly in selected institutions in Cavite.

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