"The factors that contributed to the result of board examination of nur" by Cristina S. Agustin and Edina C. Bayot

The factors that contributed to the result of board examination of nursing graduates batch '91 of DLSU-EAC

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Board Examination, Nursing


This study utilized the descriptive normative survey with the questionnaire as the primary data gathering tool. A sample of 60 graduates of batch 91 was chosen using convenience sampling technique. It was confined to only 60 or 50 percent of class '91 graduates The questionnaire containing a checklist of student factors and administration roles was distributed to the respondents. Data was analyzed through frequency distribution and percentage. The study concluded that the most significant student factor that contributed to the result of the nursing board examination of Batch ’91 was “self-study habits,” reviewer content was the most significant review factor and source of reference was the most significant role played by the nursing administration.

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