"Relationship between family functioning and caring behavior of Bachelo" by Marielle B. De Leon, Erol F. Ejorcadas et al.

Relationship between family functioning and caring behavior of Bachelor of Science in Nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Family Relations, Caring, Nursing Students


The study utilized a non-experimental quantitative correlational in order to obtain data from 88 students from second year, 55 students from third year and 48 students from fourth year. Respondents were chosen using non-probability purposive sampling. The researchers used two kinds of questionnaires considering that the study involved a relationship between two variables, namely the family functioning and caring behavior of students. Data was analysed using frequency distribution, Chi-square, p-value, and Correlation Coefficient of Pearson R. Based on the findings, most of the respondents had a highly functional family and majority of the respondents had excellent caring behavior. There was also a significant relationship between the family functioning and caring behavior of the respondents.

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