"A study on the paternal roles in child rearing among families in Imus " by Vincent Paul L. Buot, Maise Valerie V. Sopang et al.

A study on the paternal roles in child rearing among families in Imus City, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Child Rearing, Father-Child Relations


The researchers utilized the quantitative non-experimental descriptive research design. In this study, the paternal roles in child rearing practice were described as a starting point to simply generate hypothesis. The number of respondents in this study comprised of 60 fathers and were identified using purposive and snowball sampling. The research instrument used in this study was based from the theory of Jean Watson's Transpersonal Care, and the study conducted by Ms. Bernadette Elaine C. Soriano and Ms. Katrina Noelle F. Perales (2014) entitled "Paternal Involvement in the Care of Children with Special Needs." Data was analysed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, t-test, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study concluded the following: (1) most of the respondents were 18-40 years old, high school graduates, with one biological child and had wives working locally; (2) the roles of fathers from the chosen barangays in Imus City, Cavite that were mostly assumed were as follows: teaching child good manners and right conduct, encouraging child to be truthful, giving positive feedback for child's behavior, encouraging child to eat with them, and providing the child with safe environment; (3) the paternal roles in child rearing of their respondents were the same regardless of age, educational attainment, number of children, and employment status of wife.

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