"Lived experiences of e-health nurses" by Stephanie Gabrielle S. Cabarloc, Abigail H. Torion et al.

Lived experiences of e-health nurses

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nurses, Health Information Technology


This study used the phenomenological approach of qualitative research and focused on the lived experiences of registered nurses who were practicing e-health nursing regardless of their age, gender, civil status, religion and who were working for at least six months as an e-health nurse. Respondents were selected using purposive and snowball sampling. The study concluded the following: (1) passion is needed in order to have personal and professional growth; (2) E-health nursing is also hardwork; (3) to get the best out of the experiences they have as e-health nurses, they need to put their heart into the job. As they reflect on their experiences, it was not only about having better pay but rather making their presence worthwhile to make the work run smoothly which entails hardwork and dedication to get the job done.

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