"Paternal response of first time fathers to infant behavior in selected" by Maristela C. Avanzado, Ferdinand C. Fortuna et al.

Paternal response of first time fathers to infant behavior in selected barangays in City of Imus, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Father-Child Relations, Infant


Descriptive research was used in this stidy which was carried out through selected first time fathers residing in City of Imus, Cavite. This included a sample population of 53 respondents aged 18-50 years old, endorsed by the Barangay Chairmen, rural health midwife of the selected barangay, and fellow first time fathers, based on the criteria in selecting the respondents of the study. The non-probability snowball sampling was used. The researchers used a self-made questionnaire and data was analysed using frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, percentage distribution, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and t-test. Based on the findings, the research concluded that (1) majority of the respondents were 18-40 years old or young adult, married, highschool graduate, have a monthly include of P10,001-P20,000, and preferred boy as the gender of the infant; (2) majority of the respondents had a very high responsiveness toward infant behavior in all categories of paternal response – acceptance, empathy, curiosity, and playfulness; (3) there was no evidence which suggested that the paternal response of first time fathers to infant behavior were influenced by age, civil status, educational attainment, monthly family income, and preferred gender of the infant.

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