"Coping strategies on travelling and its relationship to academic perfo" by Meg Beatriz Borce, Johann Clyde L. Carlo et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science


Coping mechanisms, academic performance, coping strategies in keeping up with academic performance


The most frequent emotional or mental condition that students go through when studying is academic stress. This state negatively impacts the students’ mental and possibly, physical health, especially now that it is coupled with a new online learning modality because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ineffective coping methods will negatively impact a student’s behavior which may lead them to stay up late at night possibly affecting their physical health in the process as well. This is a descriptive qualitative study that aims to determine and gain a better understanding of how students cope to keep up with their academic performance despite travelling. The data was gathered from 226 College of Medical Laboratory Science (CMLS) students of De La Salle Medical

and Health Sciences Institute (DLSMHSI). Through the Cochran formula, 77 students of first year, 71 students of second year, and 78 students of third year who were travelling to school were randomly chosen. They were provided with a modified survey tool, adapted from the study entitled “University Commuter Students: Time Management, Stress Factor and Coping Strategies” by Forbus and Newbold, et al. (2010). The data gathered showed, “Staying up late at night to keep up with my academics” is the most preferred coping method while “Travelling early (to have time allowance) to study in school” was found to be the least. However, the statistical study revealed that there is no significant relationship between BSMLS students' academic performance and their coping mechanisms.

First Advisor

Amapola DG. Puaso
