Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science


Interprofessional Education, Fourth year undergraduate interns, Allied health programs, Allied health students, Collaborative Learning


Interprofessional education (IPE) emphasizes on the collaborative learning between allied health students and health professionals from different disciplines to strengthen teamwork and achieve the highest quality of care. In view of this, IPE is deemed to be a crucial factor in the interplay of the healthcare professionals, patient care outcomes, and the overall healthcare delivery process.

This study aims to evaluate the readiness of the DLSMHSI undergraduate interns’ readiness on Interprofessional Education. Additionally, in this cross-sectional study, a total of 165 fourth-year student interns participated from March to May 2023.

Moreover, a questionnaire titled “Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale” was adapted from the study of McFadyen et al. which was utilized as a research instrument for this study. This adapted RIPLS questionnaire was given to the research participants through online platforms and face-to-face surveys. Furthermore, the selection of the sample population was conducted using the quota sampling technique, and the findings of the study were conveyed through the following statistical measures: overall mean and standard deviation, independent T-test, and one way analysis of variance. Results revealed that the DLSMHSI interns scored a weighted mean of 4.86(SD=0.26) for Teamwork and Collaboration, 4.51(SD=0.49) for Professional Identity, and 3.91(SD=1.43) for Roles and Responsibilities. Regarding the readiness of the student interns, the findings indicate that the interns are fully prepared in terms of Teamwork and Collaboration and Professional Identity. However, the interns are approaching readiness in terms of Roles and Responsibilities.

First Advisor

Amapola DG. Puaso
