"Identification of enterobacteria and coliform analysis of Ylang-Ylang " by Jamielyn P. Ibana, Marielle M. Marges et al.

Identification of enterobacteria and coliform analysis of Ylang-Ylang river and its physicochemical assessment

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry


Chemical Phenomena.


The water quality of Ylang-Ylang river, a domestic and public bathing water source of Dasmarinas City in Cavite, Philippines. has been assessed. The physicochemical parameters measured at three locations of the river body revealed that water pollution has exceeded the set limit of the standards from DENR meaning in terms of these parameters, the river was considered to be not suitable for sustaining life and not potable for human consumption. In coliform analysis, it also exceeded the set limit of standards from DENR proving that there is a higher chance of disease transmitted through feces contaminated water. Upon gram staining, seven samples were determined to have presence of gram negative bacteria and being gram negative is one of the characteristic of an Enterbacteriaceae. These samples were subjected for biochemical testing and it showed that Escherichia coli is the dominant bacteria and this species belongs to the family of Enterbacteriaceae. Thus, study should informed the residence around the river basin that it is not suitable for drinking/human consumption and bathing, and industrial purposes and teh river must be taken care with appropriate disinfection. The need for continued monitoring of the river under strict water quality surveillance should be provided to ensure the health and environmental safety of the residences around the river.

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