In-vitro comparison of larvicidal activity of Allamanda cathartica leaves (yellow bell) crude methanolic extract with piper nigrum pellets against aedes aegypti : experimental study

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Clinical Pharmacology


Plant Extracts, Methanol, Culicidae, Piper nigrum


The objective of the study was to find out if Allmanda Cathartica can be an effective alternative for piper nigrum pellets as a larvicide for Aedes aegypti. An in-vitro study modified from WHO mosquito lavicidal procedures was done wherein the larvae of A. egypti were exposed in different concentrations of A. cathartica leaf extracts and P. nigrum pellets, and mortalities were noted. The findings showed consistent results, in which the p-values led into conclusions that the tested concentrations were insignificant due to the null to nearly null lethal dose of the A. Cathartica extract. Based on the study, the methanol extract of Allmanda cathartica leaves did not have larvicidal effect on the Aedes aegypti larvae. All four tested concentrations of Allamanda cathartica had no significant larvicidal activity.

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