"Factors associated with the knowledge of parents in the treatment of f" by JIinglu Zhang


JIinglu Zhang

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing


fever, infant, parental knowledge


Objective: This study focuses on determining the factors associatedwiththeknowledge of parents in the treatment of fever among hospitalized infants.

Methods: This study was guided by the Health Literacy Model (Nutbeametal.,2000). The descriptive-correlational research was utilized as theresearchdesign. The data were gathered using a questionnaire checklist that consist of twoparts, part one gathered the profile and part two determined the level of knowledgeof the respondents on the management of fever using the Parent KnowledgeQuestionnaire (PKQ-12 item) adopted from Wangmo (2017). Atotal of 210respondents were included in the study, the data were analyzed usingfrequencycount and percentages, mean, Pearson’s correlation, and chi-square test.

Results: Most of the respondents have a medium level of knowledgeonthetreatment of fever management (141, 87.14%), 44 (20.95%) have a poor level, andonly 25 (11.91%) have a high level of knowledge. The respondents’ level ofknowledge is associated with parental age, access to health information,domicile/place of residence place and marital status.

Conclusion: This study provided evidence that parental age significantly relatedtothe respondents’ level of knowledge on the treatment of fever. Furthermore, thereis an association between access to health information, place of residence, andmarital status. Indicating that these factors are not independent of thepopulationand providing suggestions to reject the null hypothesis.

First Advisor

Bhert Keane Q. Pugrad
