Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


academic procrastination, students, factors, effects, coping mechanisms


Academic procrastination has been one of the most well-known phenomena in our everyday lives. Procrastination is deemed as putting off activities until tomorrow on what one intended to do today; thus, this study aims to determine the factors contributing to academic procrastination, its effect on a student’s learning process, and the ways to overcome it in students at the De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute. A qualitative descriptive phenomenological design was conducted by utilizing the data triangulation method and thematic analysis by gathering the data through written questionnaires, interviews, and group discussions. This study involved a sample of six students through purposive sampling. Findings indicated that location and extracurricular activities are factors in academic procrastination, the effect of academic procrastination has a greater negative effect than a positive effect on a student’s learning process, and each participant has their strategies for managing and overcoming academic procrastination. These findings suggest that there is a need for tailored interventions for students to improve their skills in time management and their relationship toward their academics to reduce academic procrastination.

First Advisor

Froilan A. Santillan
