Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


taro, bioplastic, tensile strength, water absorption, sustainability


This study aimed to evaluate the potential of Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) as a bioplastic straw. Focusing on their tensile strength and water absorption properties. The tensile strength was evaluated using the ASTM D5034-21 Grab Test. Water absorption capabilities were examined across various durations, 30 minutes to 4 hours, showcasing consistent low absorption rates for taro bioplastic straws. The result showed that Taro Bioplastic Straw has an average tensile strength of 0.01 MPa . This suggests that it has a low value for accepted tensile strength for bioplastic material. Furthermore, low water rate absorption is consistent across various time durations which indicates that the Taro Bioplastic Straw was more water resistant than the conventional paper straw. Though it has a low value for tensile strength, the result was still relevant since it is close to the lowest accepted tensile strength value for bioplastic material. Therefore, Dasheen Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) has a promising result as a bioplastic straw. Future research may explore and consider ample amounts of time for the preparation of the bioplastic product, made from taro starch, and include the assessment of other mechanical properties to evaluate its efficacy thoroughly.

First Advisor

Pancho E. Ercilla
