"Level of awareness, extent of fulfillment of needs, and impact on heal" by Staphanie V. Agraan, Lindsay M. Echavez et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


Adolescent Health and Development Program, Awareness levels, Fulfillment of needs, Impact on health practices


The Adolescent Health and Development Program, administered by the Department of Health, is a comprehensive initiative designed to promote healthy lifestyles and relationships among adolescents. Through random sampling, 250 students from Grades 11 and 12 from the Special Health Sciences Senior High School at the De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute were selected to assess their level of awareness, the extent to which their needs were met by the program, and its impact on their health practices. The study revealed that students generally had a high level of awareness about the program's components, such as mental health and oral health services, and the methods used to deliver these services, like school campaigns and access to school facilities. They also demonstrated awareness of how the program was implemented, including training for staff and health workers. Secondly, students felt that the extent to which the program fulfilled their needs was high, especially in areas like sexual and reproductive health education, mental health support, substance abuse prevention, and nutrition and physical health. Lastly, the program had a notable impact on students' health practices. They reported adopting healthy practices such as staying informed about contraception, seeking professional help for mental health issues, avoiding harmful substances, and maintaining regular health check-ups. Ultimately, the findings suggested that the Adolescent Health and Development Program effectively raised awareness, fulfilled needs, and positively impacted the health practices of the Special Health Sciences Senior High School students.

First Advisor

Teresita T. Pineda
