Frequency of utilization of the oral health services and the factors influencing them among selected adult mothers in Indang, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


Oral Health Services


This study examines the correlation between the levels of awareness and frequency of utilization of oral health services and the factors influencing them among 102 adult mothers in Indang, Cavite. The data was collected using a 38- item online survey questionnaire and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The research design for the study was descriptive correlational approach based on online surveys and questionnaires. Results showed low awareness and moderate frequency of utilization, with a weak positive relationship between awareness levels and utilization frequency. The Health Belief Model by Becker revealed factors such as perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits, and barriers being highly influential on awareness levels and utilization frequency. The study concludes that respondents have little awareness of oral health services and only use them occasionally, despite acquiring good oral health habits. The researchers suggest addressing the residents' awareness through awareness campaigns as well as developing a comprehensive understanding of the levels of awareness and frequency of utilization of the oral health services in terms of improving oral health hygiene and prevention of oral health problems to promote healthy oral health in the Rural Health Unit. By analyzing the findings of the study, targeted interventions can be developed for the betterment of the residents’ oral health in Indang, Cavite.

First Advisor

Carmelette C. Davila

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