Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


public hospitals, private hospitals, health care, preference, Philippines


Hospitals are a crucial part of the societal necessity to protect, promote, and support the health and wellness of the community. Public and private hospitals possess distinctive characteristics as healthcare systems and facilities. This study focused on the working Filipino adults’ observations, perceptions, and preferences in receiving their medical needs from public and private hospitals. The research design utilized for this paper is a qualitative descriptive approach while the triangulation method was done to gather needed data. The data from the survey questionnaire and interview were tabulated and interpreted using thematic coding to determine the frequent themes and ideas while grounded theory to further support the paper's results. The advantages of public hospitals seemed to be the disadvantages of private hospitals. This pattern is also applicable to the disadvantages of public hospitals being the advantages of private hospitals. Private hospitals are the preferred healthcare institution where they would receive aid for their medical needs considering various factors. It is recommended that the government improve the public hospitals in the Philippines while the private hospitals modify their costs to accommodate smaller incomes.

First Advisor

Menard C. Majaba
