"Levels of influential factors and the pre-medicine college course pref" by Mark Christian T. Abellar, Hans Carlo B. Bawar et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


Grade 12 students, pre-medicine college course, career decisionmaking, factors


Grade 12 students are expected to have decided on their college course options. Although, not everyone will be able to make a decent choice before they graduate. The researchers seek to investigate what variables or causes impact their pre-medicine college course preferences and if there is a relationship between the identified factors and the college course preferences of the grade 12 students from De La Salle Medical Health Sciences Special Health Sciences Senior High School. The study used a questionnaire adapted from Jill Edmond's study "Factors influencing choice of college major: what really makes a difference?" to determine how influential the identified factors were to career decision-making and the relationship between the factors and preferred pre-medicine college course. ", as well as Penedilla and Rosaldo's research on "Factors Influencing Career Preferences Among Senior High School Students in Tacloban City."

The findings imply having interest in this field (M=1.42) is a major determinant in choosing a pre-medicine program. Furthermore, the following factors: You think you will be good at it (M=1.74), Learning Experiences (M=1.61), Family Encouragement and Influence (M=2.30), Life Experiences (M=1.95), Career Counseling and Immersion with Health Science (M=2.33), Job Market (M=1.67), Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees (M=2.39), Length of Schooling (M=2.08), Career earning potential (M=1.71), and Pandemic (M=1.90) are moderately influential. Other factors include Your Religious beliefs (M=3.02), Following your Parent’s footsteps (M=3.28), Role Model (M=2.54), and Social Peer Groups (M=2.56), which are slightly influential. It was found that each factor identified is influential to students in their college course preferences but the gravity of influence by each influential factor differs depending on the chosen pre-medicine college course of the grade 12 students.

Because the findings of this study revealed the elements that influenced the decision-making of grade 12 students during the school year, the data acquired will assist future students in choosing their future job. This study will also assist the college administration in identifying the adjustments that will be made with the help of the discovered elements that are uniquely significant to the various pre-medicine college courses. The study recommends an equal number of respondents per subgroup so that the study will get an acceptable sample size and obtain more accurate data.

First Advisor

Carmelette C. Davila
