"Comparison on the extent of influence of authoritarian parenting on th" by Diane Angelic O. Perez, Keziah Mae C. Donato et al.

Comparison on the extent of influence of authoritarian parenting on the academic motivation and performance of Grade 12 students of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


Authoritarian Parenting Style, Academic Motivation, Academic Performance


Parents are the most important people in the lives of any child and there are many ways a child is raised. From one of the four parenting styles introduced by Baumrind, this research focused on studying the perceived influence of the discipline, emotional engagement, and physical support of Authoritarian Parenting to the academic performance and academic motivation of 100 DLSMHSI students. Using a survey, the researchers managed to obtain the data they needed as they were able to screen students who have Authoritarian parents among those who do not through the initial part of the survey distributed, which was then followed by the data gathering itself for those who were fit to be respondents of the study. It is discovered in the study that the influence of Authoritarian parenting under these three factors does exist and influences the academic motivation and performance of these Filipino students. There are several underlying motives that contribute to this influence, but the most influential aspect of Authoritarian Parenting in terms of academic motivation is discovered to be discipline, whereas academic performance is most influenced by emotional engagement. Following the nature and results of the research, a comprehensive study on whether the proven influence discovered affects Filipino students negatively and positively is suggested by the current researchers of the study. In addition, it is recommended by the research to study the existence and effects of other types of parenting styles to students under the Filipino demographic.

First Advisor

Dennis Yu Perona

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