"Comparative analysis in the reading comprehension of avid readers and " by Francesca Sophia R. Aclan, Czarynn Kent P. Ampon et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


reading comprehension, reading speed, acereader test, grade 11 students, english, science, avid readers and non-avid readers


This study aimed to provide a Comparative Analysis with the Reading Comprehension of avid readers and non-avid readers of the De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute Special Health Sciences Senior High School Department Grade 11 students. The students of the department were given an online survey through Google Forms that contains questions to identify whether they are Avid or Non-avid readers. Along with the survey is the link for the online speed-reading test in AceReader to measure their reading comprehension with their reading speed in words per minute (wpm). Results from the study state the relationship between reading comprehension scores and the reading speed. In the English reading material, negative correlation is evident. For the Science reading material, it obtained a positive correlation. Moreover, there is also a significant difference pertaining to the Science reading material attaining a higher mean than the English material.

First Advisor

Marc Jeffrey P. Sioco
