"A study on the psychological levels of stress and stress management in" by Mabeline F. Alonzo, Mhaerc Avril O. Lazsamana et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


stress levels, Independent Study Hours, stress management, time management


Several online learning settings have arisen throughout the pandemic, one of which is learning asynchronously during Independent Study Hours (ISH). Non-academic activities are mostly driven by stress, which has an impact on students' ability to complete their academic work within ISH. This research studied the psychological levels of stress and stress management in doing academic work during the ISH of grade 12 students at De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute. The research utilized a quantitative descriptive-statistics research design. The 135 systematically chosen respondents completed a combination of a self-made questionnaire and an adapted questionnaire containing questions regarding their stress levels, stress management, and time management. Based on the findings, 79 of the respondents were under moderate stress, while 56 of the respondents were under high stress. In terms of top stress management, students at both stress levels were found to employ it frequently. Most respondents were found to be distracted by several non-school activities and would consider changing their time management. Furthermore, the results of the study will help the students of DLSMHSI-SHSSHS promote and develop their stress and time management strategies that can help them depending on their stress levels.

First Advisor

Edison Vincent A. Olegario
