"A study on the different studying techniques utilized by Senior High S" by Daniel June Davidmer V. Bersamin, Antoine Gabriel V. Elloso et al.

A study on the different studying techniques utilized by Senior High School students of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute batch 2021-2022

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


studying technique, academic performance, utilize, satisfaction, online set up


Providing another perspective on what the most utilized studying techniqueis a much need especially with what set-up the Filipino students are experiencing,since it is also proven to have an effect with students' academic performance. As transitioning from the face-to-face set-up to the online setup becoming an issue to millions of Filipino students, seeing what the majority uses as a studying technique from one of the Health-Allied Senior High Schools might help in recognizing what studying technique they should practice: Retrieval Practice, Spaced Practice, Feynman Technique, Study Before Bed Technique, or Eat that Frog Technique. In order to form a conclusion, the researchers provided an onlinesurvey questionnaire that contains 35 questions with each study technique having 5 questions pertaining to them and 10 questions for the students' satisfaction to which study technique they have been using. This research would now come up with a standpoint from the Senior High School Students of De La Salle Medical Health and Sciences Institute on what studying technique they utilize as they study to become future health care professionals. This study concluded that two out of the five studying techniques presented were mostly utilized by the students and this is led by the Eat That Frog technique and followed by the Feynman technique. While the researchers recommend looking further on to the classification of the studying techniques and how they differ from each other.

First Advisor

Edison Vincent A. Olegario

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