Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


Academic stress, Major depressive disorder, Senior High School students


Academic stress and major depressive disorder are a cause of concern especially to adolescents studying in high school. With this in consideration, this study was conducted to determine if there is a relationship between academic stress and major depressive disorder in the Senior High School students of DLSMHSI. 194 responses were collected from the Senior High School students using a survey questionnaire which contain questions from the Perceived Stress Scale and the Major Depression Index and analyzed using a frequency distribution table and the chi square test. Out of the 194 responses, 168 (86.6%) respondents show signs of at least mild depression while 130 (67%) of the total respondents experience moderate academic stress levels. The produced results in the data gathering indicated that there is a highly significant relationship between academic stress level and major depressive disorder in the senior high school students of DLSMHSI in the academic year 2020-2021. The findings in this study are valuable to the educators in addressing the students’ mental health conditions.

First Advisor

Myra Michelle M. Mojica
