Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


Distance learning, Veteran teacher


This study sought to know the psychological impacts of distance learning in terms of emotional, negative consequences of distance learning, and how veteran teachers manage distance learning if it has an impact on their emotional state. The researchers used the descriptive mixed method wherein surveys and interviews were used to gather the data needed in the study. The researchers used frequency count, percentage, and weighted mean for quantitative measures. For qualitative data, transcription, coding, and thematic analysis were used. Results are divided into three parts: firstly, on the psychological impacts of distance learning on veteran teachers in terms of emotional, the findings reveal that the veteran teachers find distance learning as easy and ‘can be coped with’ for them. Moreover, it is also noteworthy to mention that most of the veteran teachers can control their emotions despite the pressure of work. It can be concluded that veteran teachers’ emotional state about the impacts of distance learning vary. Secondly, on the negative consequences of distance learning, the findings conclude that some veteran teachers may experience the negative consequences of distance learning, yet almost the same percentage believes that distance learning is easy. Lastly, on coping with the emotional impact of distance learning, the findings reveal that veteran teachers manage the emotional impact of distance learning through time management, enjoying work, school support, help from colleagues, and finding the purpose of their work. Overall, the conclusion can also be drawn that veteran teacher’s psychological state is positive and enthusiastic towards distance learning.

First Advisor

Mark Lawrence F. Fabregas
