"Analysis of anthelmintic property of Mangifera indica L. (Mango) leaf " by Adler Alyce C. Alea, Bea Jacqueline B. Angeles et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Community Medicine


Anthelmintic Property, Plant Extract, Ascaridida Infections, Mangifera indica, Ascaris suum, Petri Dish Test


Mangifera indica is the country's national fruit and its extract has already been proven to kill parasitic worms and earthworms. However, no studies have been done in terms of Ascaris suum. This study aims to determine, analyze, and assess whether the extract of Mangifera indica is effective against the presence of Ascaris suum by determining the worms' time of paralysis and death. In addition, the efficacy of the extract was also compared to Mebendazole. The study was done using a Petri Dish test and used the statistical test One-way ANOVA to interpret and analyse the results. Based on the experiment done, the Mangifera indica leaves possess an anthelmintic property against roundworms. Lastly, the worms that were submerged in the extract that contained the highest concentration arrived to paralysis and death first which arrives to the conclusion that the mango leaf extract is more effective than the synthetic anthelmintic drug, Mebendazole.

First Advisor

Pancho E. Ercilla
