"A Survey Of Selected Cognitive-Communication Assessment And Interventi" by Carmela Marie A. Carandang and Jocelyn Christina B. Marzan

A Survey Of Selected Cognitive-Communication Assessment And Intervention Practices Of Filipino Speech-Language Pathologists Working With Stroke Patients: A Preliminary Practice Patterns Study

Carmela Marie A. Carandang
Jocelyn Christina B. Marzan


Background: Speech and language pathologists (SLPs) are responsible for the management of cognitive-communication disorders brought about by cerebrovascular diseases (CVD). These disorders are managed to support positive and functional changes in the skills needed to participate in the social, education, and vocational responsibilities of an individual.

Objective: This study aimed to describe the demographic information and practices of Filipino SLPs through self-ratings of their knowledge, confidence, and experience in relation to their cognitive-communication assessment tools and intervention practices when working with clients with post-CVD and have cognitive-communication disorders. It also aimed to identify the felt needs of SLPs in this area of practice.

Methodology: The survey tool was patterned after the questionnaire used by Reideman and Turkstra (2018) in a similar study, validated by SLP experts in cognitive-communication disorders, and pilot tested by SLPs who met inclusion criteria for study participants.

Results: A total of 34 SLPs with at least one year of experience working with patients post-CVD responded to the survey. Results showed that the SLPs were most knowledgeable, experienced, and confident in the use of a nonstandardized translation of the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) and in the use of counseling and education as an intervention method for their patients with cognitive-communication disorders. Despite familiarity with the WAB, they showed a preference for informal assessment practices.

Conclusion: The SLPs felt the need for additional training on assessment and treatment practices in cognitive communication disorders and emphasized the need for culturally-appropriate materials and established practice guidelines for the Filipino clientele.