A cross sectional study on the relationship of back pain and bag usage among public school students ages 11-14 years old for academic year 2012-2013 using Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust : Pain Rehabilitation Programme Tool
Date of Completion
Document Type
Research Project
Degree Name
Community Medicine
back pain, school bags, school children
APA Citation
Mina, S. D.,
Pagdato, E. S.,
Pau, D. L.,
Ragasa, J. R.,
Redonia, G. D.,
Romblon, K. D.,
Tarroza, A. T.,
Taruc, M. O.
A cross sectional study on the relationship of back pain and bag usage among public school students ages 11-14 years old for academic year 2012-2013 using Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust : Pain Rehabilitation Programme Tool.
Community Medicine.
Retrieved from https://greenprints.dlshsi.edu.ph/commed/802