"The relationship between the level of smoking and the severity of symp" by Athena Laureen P. Ballesteros, Raphaelle Louise M. . Betonio et al.

The relationship between the level of smoking and the severity of symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis in Filipino multidrug resistant tuberculosis patients of the TB-DOTS center of De La Salle University Medical Center

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Community Medicine


Smoking, Tuberculosis


A case-control design was employed in this study. Twenty six (26) Filipino MDR-TB patients of the TB-DOTS Center who were 18 years old and above, and have smoked prior to being diagnosed with MDR-TB were randomly selected. The data collection tool used was a self-administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed through mean, median, mode standard deviation and Chi-square test. This study showed that most of the patients engaged in light smoking (76%) and had low severity of PTB symptoms (54%). All confounding variable-gender, age, place of residence, occupation, and socio-economic status-were found to be insignificant in relation to the level of smoking and to the severity of PTB symptoms. There was insufficient evidence to support that there was a significant relationship between the level of smoking and the severity of PTB symptoms experienced by an MDR-TB patient.

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