"Comparative antibacterial effects of moringa oleifera (Malunggay) oint" by Kate Erieca T. Soriano, Jerome Abegaile E. Agbing et al.

Comparative antibacterial effects of moringa oleifera (Malunggay) ointment and mupirocin ointment in treating non-bullous impetigo in pediatric patients

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Community Medicine


Moringa oleifera, Children, Impetigo


A randomized double blind controlled trial was used, with three components: 1) 5-point scale in the guidelines for acute bacterial skin infections and developing drugs for treatment recommended by the Food and Drug Administration to measure the clinical efficacy of M. oleifera ointment and mupirocin ointment; 2) Culture and gram stain of the lesions to measure the microbiological efficacy of the ointments used; 3) 7-point scale of the participant's global assessment score to measure the participants' tolerability, effectiveness, adverse events or any outcome of the ointments used. A convenience sample of pediatric patients age 3-12 years old from Amadeo and Dasmarinas, Cavite who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria was randomized into two intervention groups - M. oleifera ointment group and Mupirocin ointment group. The anti-bacterial effect of M. oleifera ointment is as effective compared to Mupirocin ointment in treating impetigo in children. It is recommended that the study be done not only on its effects of non-bullous impetigo but also to other skin-related infections with larger sample sizes, longer treatment duration with more follow-ups and other procedures of extracting the active component of M. olefera, to get a fuller picture of the phenomenon.

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