Experiences of women who underwent ultrasound of the reproductive organ.

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology


Ultrasound in Obstetrics, Radiography in Obstetrics


This study was achieved through a descriptive qualitative research approach using the grand tour question "What are your experiences when you underwent ultrasound of any the reproductive organs: cervix, uterus, fallopian tube, ovaries and breasts." The researchers used purposive sampling and snowballing method in selecting the participants, regardless of the civil status, the number of times they underwent the procedure, educational attainment and social status. The researchers maintained honesty in transcribing the interview of the participants before the data collection in order to preven possible prejudice that could occur in the study and upheld ethical principles in order to protect the dignity of the participants. The study concluded that there were themes that extracted to this study that can help the radiologic technologist in handling and assessing the patient's comfort towards the ultrasound procedure. It was found out through this study that women have unique realities and experiences to share as regards undergoing a diagnostic procedure, in this case, the ultrasound procedure. The ultrasound procedure also elicited varied emotions, coping mechanisms, and personal discoveries about themselves and their families. It can be concluded that a simple procedure like an ultrasound can be instrumental in pacifying women's anxious minds, but also instrumental in agitating their worried hearts.

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