The extent of adherence to the code of professional ethics among radiologic technologists

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology


Ethics, Professional, Radiologic Technologists


The study used a descriptive quantitative method with a population of 213 radiologic technologists in hospitals of Batangas. A self-made questionnaire, divided into two parts, was used. The first part was for the demographic variables while second part was statements grouped according to the seven prima facie duties. The data gathered were subjected to statistical treatments such as frequency, percentaage, mean, standard deviation, t-test for independent means, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT) and Bonferroni Test. The study concluded that, 1) most of the respondents are 20 to 39 years old and employed in private hospitals, Half are female and half are male and nearly half have 1 to 5 years of service; 2) the respondents have a very high adherence to the Code of Professional Ethics in terms of duty of beneficence, duty of non-maleficence, duty of justice, duty of self-improvement, duty of reparation, duty of gratitude, duty of promise-keeping and in the overall adherence to the Code of Professional Ethics; 3) the adherence to the Code of Professional Ethics did not vary when the respondents are grouped according to age, gender, length of service and type of hospital; 4) there is a significant difference in the extent of adherence to the Code of Professional Ethics in the seven prima facie duties, except on duty of non-maleficence and duty of justice, duty of non-maleficence and duty of reparation, duty of non-maleficence and duty of promise keeping, duty of reparation and duty of gratitude. The duties of promise keeping and non-maleficence have the highest mean level of adherence while the duties of beneficence and self-improvement have the lowest mean level of adherence.

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