Perceptions on the uses and effectiveness of real-time ultrasound imaging as a biofeedback in selected rehabilitation centers in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Ultrasonogaphy, Rehabilitation, Biofeedback, Psychology


Phenomenology was utilized as the method of research. It involved 12 registered Physical Therapists who are employed as staffs in the selected rehabilitation facilities as participants. A focus group discussion type of interview was conducted in the two (2) centers. The interview answered the grand tour question. "What are the perceptions of physical therapists in the uses and effectiveness of real-time ultrasound imaging as a biofeedback modality in selected rehabilitation centers?" Audio recordings of the interview were obtained and were used to transcribe the statements of the participants in verbatim. Colaizzi's strategy for phenomenological data analysis was used for interpretation of data. From the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) knowing that the real-time ultrasound is an emerging technology in physical therapy, participants only have limited perceptions as to its use and effectiveness as a biofeedback; (2) the participants have different ideas about the uses and effectiveness of real-time ultrasound. Participants in one (1) clinic have the perception that real time ultrasound imaging is used to provide a biofeedback of the muscles during exercise to check if correct muscles are contracting. They have the same perception as to its principle in core muscle strengthening and bladder control training. They may have some but limited ideas because they have not attended any training about the RTUI machine although two (2) registered physical therapists from their clinic have attended a seminar. In the other clinic, participants have broader but also limited perceptions as to the use and effectiveness of RTUI because they have the machine in their rehabilitation facility and the rehabilitation doctor is using the said machine in his treatment while the physical therapist observe the procedure. They have broader perceptions as the use and effectiveness of RTUI as a biofeedback in core muscle strengthening and managing bladder control but it is still limited because the physical therapists have not attended any training or seminars regarding the RTUI.

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