"Association of physical activity with the mental wellness of selected " by Mary Kristine G. Castor, Rome Madel R. Ersando et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Mental Wellness, College Students


The worldwide spread of COVID-19 did not just affect the economy of the occupied countries but also affected the lifestyle of people from around the world. When the pandemic was announced in the Philippines, lockdown was implemented to limit people from going out unless necessary to avoid spreading of the virus. Due to this limitation, there have been reports of a significant decrease in people's physical activity and mental wellness worldwide. Several evidence suggests that physical activity and mental wellness are correlated. However, limited studies did not provide evidences of this claim. Thus, this study aimed to know the association of physical activity and mental wellness of college students residing in the Philippines during the pandemic. Several variables, such as the students' year level, sex, and course were included to know if these are linked to the student's physical activity and mental wellness. An online survey was conducted to determine the students' physical activity levels using the IPAQ–LF (International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Long Form). In determining the students' mental wellness, the researchers have utilized the Mental Health Inventory (MHI-38) to determine an individual's general psychological distress and mental well-being. This study included 132 students who participated in the study, with 49.2% reporting a high level of physical activity, 34.1% having a low level of physical activity, and 16.7% having a moderate level of physical activity. Results show (pvalue

First Advisor

Cattaleya Marie R. Bragado
