Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Athletes, College Students, Academic Performance, Sports


Objectives: The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of sports participation on the academic motivation of College of Rehabilitation Sciences (CRS) student-athletes in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute (DLSMHSI). The aims of the study are: (1) to determine the academic motivation of college student-athletes and (2) to determine the differences in their academic motivation according to their demographic data.

Research Design: The research design that was utilized in this study is a Descriptive Quantitative Study.

Setting and Participants/Respondents: An estimated 105 student-athletes were listed to be considered as participants in this study. However, only 51 student-athletes (29 or 56.86% males and 22 or 43.14% females) completed the survey. The participants were selected to be part of the study based on the following inclusions: (1) enrolled students of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences from De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute (DLSMHSI) in the Academic Year 2020- 2021; (2) actively participated in sports specific training; (3) regularly participates in competitions of the sport; and (4) part of Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming, Football, Taekwondo, Badminton, and Dance, and other sports under the CRS sports organization, Thera Athletica, or varsity athletes and/or athletes participating in the sports fest at DLSMHSI. Student-athletes are excluded in the study if they are enrolled in a course outside the CRS in DLSMHSI and they do not meet the inclusion criteria.

Main Outcome Measures: The study used Student-Athletes’ Motivation towards Sports and Academics Questionnaire (SAMSAQ) as the main outcome measure.

Results and Discussions: In all the demographic subgroups, the mean score is between 4 to 5, which implies a positive motivation. Using a cutoff p-value of 0.05, we found no statistically significant difference in the academic motivation of student-athletes when grouped according to gender, course, year level, years participating in sports, type of sport, frequency of sports training, duration of training, and frequency of participation in competition.

Conclusion: The results of the study indicated that the academic motivation of College of Rehabilitation Sciences student-athletes of DLSMHSI is high. There were no effects that were found as to changes in the academic motivation when factors of sports participation were considered such as sport participation duration, training volume, and game/competition frequency. Other factors that may affect the current academic motivation of these student-athletes such as general health, mental health state especially during this time of a pandemic, and other aspects that may affect their academic motivation were not explored in this study, and may be further investigated by future researchers.

First Advisor

Renile Anne G. Tumamao
