High performance liquid chromatographic determination of sildenafil in sexual performance-enhancing supplements from online stores

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy


Sildenafil Citrate, Dietary Supplements, high performance liquid chomatography, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy


Slidenafil was extracted from the samples using solid-phase extraction, following the manufacturer's instructions provided by Agilent Technologies. Adulteration with sildenafil present in the sample was analyzed using standard addition method, high performance liquid chomatography (HPLC) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The study concluded that two (2) sexual performance-enhancing food supplements were detected positive for adulteration with sildenafil as supported by the HPLC chromatogram and IR spectra produced by the samples.

First Advisor

Timothy Jay L. Bengala

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