"A descriptive study on the instruction given by nurses and midwives wh" by Joyce Anonuevo Antonio, Maria Luisa Luna Edquiban et al.

A descriptive study on the instruction given by nurses and midwives which are in line with the cultural values and lifeways of selected post partum mothers

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Maternal-Child Nursing


The study employed a descriptive, non-experimental method, where it interpreted, analyzed and evaluated whether there is a significant difference between the followed and not followed post partum instructions given by nurses and midwives which are in line with the cultural values and lifeways of post partum mothers. The subjects were selected by purposive sampling, consisting of 50 post partum mothers of Jose P. Rizal National Medical Research Center, Out-Patient Department, who are primigravidas having undergone a normal spontaneous delivery, who are below the age thirty year old, and with an educational attainment of high school and below. To gather data on the presented problems, an interview with staff nurses and midwives was done and questionnaires were distributed to post partum mothers in Jose P. Rizal Medical Research Center, Out-Patient Department. Data was analyzed using t-test. The result revealed that almost all of the instructions given by nurses and midwives are followed by post-partum mothers because they are in line with their cultural values. The study also presented that cultural values and lifeways play an important role in the decision making process on whether to follow certain instructions or not. Instructions which pertain to the mother’s socio-economic practices were followed more often than the instructions which concern values regarding maternity truths. It was concluded that there is a significant difference between the followed and not followed post partum instructions that are in line with the cultural values and lifeways practiced by post partum mothers. Further conclusions were made that these mothers are willing to spend more for their fast recovery.

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