"The level of adjustment of teenage mothers in selected municipalities " by Ruth Y. Decena, Janina Eline V. Fauni et al.

The level of adjustment of teenage mothers in selected municipalities in Cavite regarding early family life

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Pregnancy in Adolescence, Family


This study utilized a descriptive non-experimental type of research. The participants consisted of 80 teenage mothers who qualified in the criteria for the selection of respondents using purposive sampling method. The statistical tests applied in the study were: percentage, mean, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA or f-test) and t-test. The study concluded that; 1) Majority of the teenage mothers from the munipalities of General Trias, Dasmarinas, Imus and Cavite City were 19 years old, living with their partners outside marriage, high school graduate, have a monthly family income of P10,000 and below, unemployed, Catholic, and have been parents for one year; 2) The teenage respondents have high level of adjustment regarding early family life; 3) There are no significant differences in the level of adjustment of teenage mothers when they are grouped according to civil status, educational attainment, monthly family income, occupation, religion and number of years as a teenage mother. However, there is significant difference when they are grouped according to age.

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