"Coping mechanisms of women experiencing premenopausal syndrome in sele" by Aileen A. Abuel, Fritzy Jay S. Sarino et al.

Coping mechanisms of women experiencing premenopausal syndrome in selected communities in Imus, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Menopause, Adaptation, Psychological


This study used descriptive-quantitative method of research which identified the demographic profile in terms of age, civil status, employment status, educational attainment and religion. It also established the coping mechanisms used by the respondents and compared these when they were grouped according to the modes of Roy’s Adaptation Theory. The respondents of the study were composed of 200 women chosen using purposive sampling. The study used a self-made questionnaire as the key instrument of data collection. Data was analyzed through frequency, percentage, mean, t-test and f-test. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents were married, unemployed, college graduate and Roman Catholic; 2) The respondents used the three modes of coping mechanism namely the interdependence mode, which was highly used, followed by self-concept mode, and physiologic mode; 3) There was no difference in coping mechanism in terms of physiologic mode of the responendents when they are grouped according to civil status, educational attainment and religion, but had a significant difference when grouped according to employment status. Likewise, there was no significant difference in terms of self-concept mode and interdependence mode when grouped according to civil status, employment status, educational attainment and religion.

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