"Determinants of passing the nurse licensure examination of graduates i" by Claire Ann P. Bernal, Nicanor C. Casue II et al.

Determinants of passing the nurse licensure examination of graduates in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nurse Licensure Examination


The method used in the study was quantitative descriptive non-experimental type of research. The respondents were 120 graduates of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute Batch 2011 and 2012. The sampling method used in this study was snowball sampling. The research instrument was a checklist type of questionnaire that was adapted and modified from the unpublished undergraduate research entitled “Factors that Affect in Passing the Nurse Licensure Examination as Perceived by Selected Nursing Graduates of De La Salle Health Sciences Campus Batch 2005” (Parin et. al, 2006). Data was analyzed using frequency distribution, mean and t-test. The researchers came up with the following conclusion: (1) most of the respondents were female and graduate from batch 2012; (2) the respondents strongly agreed that the nursing program, review factors and student factors are determinants of passing the Nurse Licensure Examination of graduates in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute; (3) there was no significant difference in the determinants of passing the Nurse Licensure Examination when they were grouped according to year graduated. There was a significant difference in the determinants of passing the Nurse Licensure Examination when they were grouped according to gender.

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