"Perception of selected nursing students in De La Salle Health Sciences" by Jeremie M. Lamigo, Jeremiah Joy D. Llorera et al.

Perception of selected nursing students in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute regarding the declining demand and increasing supply of nurses in the Philippines

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nurses, Employment


The study utilized the non-experimental research design to determine the perception of nursing students regarding the declining demand and increasing supply of nurses in the Philippines. The study was composed of 100 students in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute and were chosen using quota sampling. The research instrument used in this study was adapted and modified. The statistical treatments used to answer the research problems are the following: frequency, mean, percentage distribution, t-test and f-test. On the basis of the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) Most of the respondents were 16 to 18 years old, female, and had an income of Php50,001 and above; 2) The perception of selected nursing students in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute regarding the declining demand and increasing supply of nurses in the Philippines was good; 3) There was no significant difference on the perception of selected nursing students regarding the declining demand for nurses and increasing supply in the Philippines when grouped according to age and socio-economic status therefore, the null hypothesis was accepted. However, when grouped according to gender, there was a significant difference on the perception of selected nursing students regarding the declining demand and increasing supply in the Philippines therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected.

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