"Level of compliance on the basic infection control practices in the cl" by Ma. Jayni D. Dadia, Katrina Angelica V. Ortiz et al.

Level of compliance on the basic infection control practices in the clinical setting of Bachelor of Science in Nursing batch 2010 in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Infection Control, Compliance, Nurses


This study used descriptive type of research method. There were 154 respondents in this study. Simple random sampling was used by researchers to reach the population intended. The tool was adapted and modified by the researchers based on the research of Verdad (2002) about the relationship between level of awareness and level of compliance of healthcare professionals to the policies and guidelines of the Infection Control Program at the De La Salle University Medical Center. The following statistical treatment was used to answer specific problems and to test the hypothesis of the study study: frequency distribution, percentage and mean. The following conclusions were achieved based on the outcome of the research conducted: 1) Most of the BSN batch 2010 respondents were female, had the latest exposure to the medical ward, holds up to 3 patients per duty, has a monthly family income of P30,0001 and above and Catholic; 2) The respondents had very high compliance on the basic infection control practices in the clinical setting in terms of standard precautions, airborne precautions, droplet precautions, contact precautions, disinfection and sterilization techniques, needles and other sharp instrument precautions and personal protective equipment; 3) The level of compliance on the basic infection control practices when grouped according to gender, areas of assignment, workload and religious affiliation had no significant difference with the exception in terms of monthly family income which showed significant difference based on the interpretation and analysis made.

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