"Level of knowledge of mothers on factors affecting nutritional status " by Ma. Lourdes P. Manliclic, Emil Lester P. Ningala et al.

Level of knowledge of mothers on factors affecting nutritional status of their school age children

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nutritional Status, Children, Mothers


This study utilized the descriptive non-experimental research design. The respondents were composed of 100 selected mothers who have school age children (6 to 12 years of age) living in Dasmarinas City, Imus, Rosario and Naic, Cavite and were chosen using convenience sampling. The self-made tool was composed of 20 questions on factors affecting the nutritional status of school age children. Percentage, mean, f-test and t-test were the statistical treatment used in this study for data analysis. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the respondents belong to the 26-35 year old age group, Catholic, college graduate and have a monthly family income of Php10,000 and below; 2) The respondents were knowledgeable to a high extent on factors affecting nutritional status of their school age children such as nutritional knowledge, socio-economic beliefs and practices and food preparation and selection; 3) There is no significant difference on the level of knowledge of mothers on factors affecting nutritional status of their school age children when respondents are grouped according to age. In terms of religion, educational attainment and family monthly income, there is a significant difference on the level of knowledge of mothers on factors affecting nutritional status of their school age children.

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