"A comparative study in the level of infant care among primipara adoles" by Maria Arnie T. Fabillar, Angelica M. Nasol et al.

A comparative study in the level of infant care among primipara adolescent and adult mothers in selected barangays in City of Imus, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Childcare, Maternal and Infant Welfare


This study utilized the comparative research design and involved 50 adolescents and 50 adults, both were primipara mothers and plain housewives, adult (21-40 years old) and adolescent (13-20 years old). Non-probability sampling and purposive type of sampling was used in this study. Instrument used was self-made based mainly on Pilitteri (2010), Davidson (2011), and Alden (2012). Data was analysed using percentage distribution, mean, f-test and t-test. The following conclusions were drawn: the majority of adolescent mothers have live in partners, high school undergraduate, with a monthly family income of 10,000 or below and their main support system consists of their parents. The majority of adult mothers were married, high school graduates, with a family monthly income of 10,000 or below and their main support systems consists of their spouse; the level of infant care among primipara adolescent mothers and primapara adult mothers were both very high; there was no significant differences in the level of infant care among primapara adolescent and adult mothers when grouped according to civil status, month family income and support system. However, in terms of the educational attainment, findings revealed that the over-all level of infant care among primipara adolescent mothers have significant difference while primipara adult mothers have no significant difference; there was no significant difference in the level of care rendered to infants by primipara adolescent and adult mothers.

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